Hancock is an upcoming comedy superhero film directed by Peter Berg and starring Will Smith, Jason Bateman and Charlize Theron. The story was originally written by Vincent Ngo in 1996 and had languished in Hollywood for some time. The project has had various directors attached, including Tony Scott, Michael Mann, Jonathan Mostow, and Gabriele Muccino. Hancock was originally intended to be filmed before I Am Legend, also starring Will Smith. Under Berg, Hancock was filmed in Los Angeles. The film is slated for release on July 2, 2008.
Premise Will Smith portrays an alcoholic superhero despised by everyone. A publicist (Jason Bateman) helps rehabilitate him, and the superhero eventually begins an affair with the publicist's wife (Charlize Theron).
Directed by : Peter Berg Produced by : Akiva Goldsman James Lassiter Michael Mann Will Smith Written by : Vince Gilligan Vincent Ngo Starring : Will Smith Charlize Theron Jason Bateman Release date(s) July 2, 2008 Budget $150 million Official website : Blank
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Its a film having a very different concept. Action scenes were really good. This movie portrays a good combination of action with comedy.
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