The film chronicles the adventures of a pampered Beverly Hills chihuahua named Chloe (voiced by Drew Barrymore) who, while on vacation in Mexico, gets lost and must rely on her friends to help her get back home before she is caught by a mean Mexican dogcatcher who wants to use her to start a fur factory.
Destino, a 2003 short film made by Walt Disney Animation Studios based off a project began by Walt Disney and Salvadore Dali in the 1940s, will be attached to the beginning of all prints of Beverly Hills Chihuahua.
The film has triggered criticism amongst people who allege it contains a derogatory depiction of Indigenous Mexican culture.
Directed by :
Raja Gosnell
Produced by :
John Jacobs
David Hoberman
Todd Lieberman
Written by :
Analisa LaBianco
Jeffrey Bushell
Starring :
Drew Barrymore
George Lopez
Andy Garcia
Jamie Lee Curtis
Distributed by :
Walt Disney Pictures
Release date(s) October 3, 2008
Budget N/A
Official website : Beverly Hills Chihuahua 2008 Official Website
Poster : Beverly Hills Chihuahua Poster
I do realize that voice acting is kind of a weird thing to be judging, and I usually never notice it, but a lot of the voices-the beginning in particular-just felt like they were talking down to me.